Alps Electric is a Japanese corporation that has manufactured various electronic components since its foundation in 1948. Based on innovative proprietary technology and market outlook, the Company provides cutting-edge electronic components that contribute to the advancement of a multimedia society in the five business feilds, Mechatronic Devices, Automotive Electronics, Communications, Peripheral Products and Magnetic Devices. Based on a business structure of Japan, America, Europe and countries around Asia. Alps advances global corporate activities that strengthen partnerships with customers, countries and regions throughout the world. In addition, Alps group has 80 companies include mobile electronics manufacturer [ALPINE] and the specialized company for logistics of electronic components [ALPS Logistics].

– True to our basic policy of "Perfecting the Art of Electronics," –

Alps Electric is constantly seeking superior value in the electronic devices that we manufacture. It is not just about creating nice-looking designs, but about finding the optimal balance between cost and function, as well as energy and resource efficiency. By perfecting the art of electronics in our products, we hope to help create a more affluent society in which electronics is universally applied. While working hard to advance our proprietary technologies, Alps Electric continues to cater to the world's electronics market within five business fields accurately.

– Fulfilling Our Social Responsibility Through Monozukuri* –

Why do companies make things? Some believe that it is to help its employees and business partners to achieve further development. At Alps Electric, there is more to it: we believe that our social responsibility is to create harmony between development and the global environment through all of our business undertakings. While striving to develop human resources by handing down the technologies and skills that we have so painstakingly refined, Alps Electric hopes to show people the joys of manufacturing, science, and engineering. This is how Alps Electric can contribute to society through monozukuri.

– A Crew Member of Spaceship Earth –

With growing awareness of environmental issues, such as air pollution and global warming, no enterprise can hope to survive without paying proper attention to protecting the global environment. This is something that each and every one of us - crew members of Spaceship Earth - must address if we want this planet to exist in perpetuity and full of life. Our belief that an enterprise is an integral member of the local community is evidenced in the Alps Philosophy, which reads, "Alps creates new values that satisfy stakeholders and are friendly to the earth," and in one of the Alps Action Guidelines, "Alps people will preserve the natural environment and treat precious resources with great care." In our opinion, maintaining such a philosophy and guidelines is essential for any enterprise to fulfill its duties to the society it serves. Seeking harmony with nature, Alps Electric will remain committed to realizing a bright future for people around the globe.

*"Monozukuri" refers to the creation of products, with an emphasis on the spirit of manufacturing.